Learning spaces

"It's not just what you teach, but the space in which the students learn" - Alicia D., librarian.

"Spaces are themselves agents for change. Changed spaces will change practice." -JISC, Designing space for effective learning.

Imagine a learning space that encourages creativity and innovation, allows for collaboration, and supports design thinking. Now imagine a school built around that space. This is the task that lies ahead. What do you see when you imagine this space?

This post is call out to all educators, designers, and creative thinkers... Share your thoughts on new learning spaces in the comments section. With your input, I hope to post more on learning spaces in the weeks to come...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I think a space that is conducive to innovation and learning requires an open, inviting feel with lots of tools (both tech and conventional) with which students can really experience the learning process. The main thing is that educators facilitate the learning but the students take the tools that they are given and lead the learning.


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